We present to you another tool that our team uses in order to give athletes the best diagnosis and possibility of recovery – TMG! 💪🏼

What is TMG?


Tensiomyography (TMG) is a non-invasive technique used to measure the mechanical properties of skeletal muscles.

This technique measures the rate of muscle contraction and the degree of muscle stiffness, providing valuable information about the condition of the muscle and its ability to produce force.

TMG is a new field of research that is becoming increasingly popular among athletes and coaches due to its ability to help improve training results.

TMG works by using a small device called a myotonometer to measure the electrical activity of the muscles. This device sends a small electrical impulse into the muscle, causing the muscle fibers to contract. The myotonometer then measures the rate of contraction and degree of stiffness of the muscle, providing valuable information about the functional state of the muscle.

One of the key strengths of TMG is its ability to provide real-time feedback on muscle function.

This feedback can be used to make immediate adjustments to the training program, such as adjusting the intensity or volume of training. By monitoring muscle function, athletes and coaches can identify weaknesses and target these areas with specific exercises to improve performance.

TMG can also be used to monitor the recovery process after injury or intense training.

By measuring the mechanical properties of muscles over time, athletes and coaches can monitor recovery progress and adjust training programs accordingly. This can help prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of further injury.

Another important advantage of TMG is its ability to monitor muscle fatigue. Fatigue is a common problem for athletes and can negatively affect performance and increase the risk of injury. By monitoring muscle function with TMG, athletes and coaches can identify the onset of fatigue and adjust training programs to prevent further fatigue.

TMG has also been shown to be useful in optimizing exercise programs for specific populations. For example, TMG can be used to determine the optimal load and volume of training for the elderly or those with chronic medical conditions. By tailoring exercise programs to specific populations, desired results can be achieved more quickly and efficiently.

Tensiomyography is a new field of research that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach training and exercise. By providing real-time feedback on muscle function, monitoring recovery and fatigue, and optimizing exercise programs for specific populations, TMG can help athletes and coaches improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.

As research in this area continues to grow, TMG has the potential to become a valuable tool for anyone looking to optimize their training and achieve desired results!

What do we get from TMG testing?

✅Injury prevention
✅Profiling of athletes
✅Finding the weak links in the kinetic chain
✅Objective assessment of muscle condition
✅Decisions regarding return to play after injuries
✅Risk management

The conclusion is that with this tool we diagnose acute and chronic muscle changes, detect local muscle fatigue and their ability to contract or relax.

Important ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Like any other device in the world, TMG is not magical, so it is important who manages the testing and reading of the data, as well as the actual implementation of the training or rehabilitation process after the obtained results.
Our head coach Uroš Stojčov is one of those trained in the use of this device, and that is why he manages to achieve excellent results with our athletes.

If you also want to improve your performance, thoroughly and long-term, come to our center!